Saturday 24 October 2015

Visiting Julie Scrumptious - February 2015

This post is a tad bit late seeing as the laptop went MIA just after I downloaded these pics in February after my trip to meet Baby Julie :D :D 
But even though it's 8 months later, since we finally have the laptop back I want these pics documented so my precious little girl will know what a cool time she/we had when Aunty Nae first came to stay! It was only for 3 or 4 days, but since it was just me, I got to have hours of special cuddles...Can't believe how much she's changed since then though!!!! 

German chocolate cake for Petey Pete's 27th birthday :)

Think B must've taken this photo? Otherwise I'm not quite sure why I took a photo of Pete getting all the onions ready for his birthday BBQ haha

Pretty Mama x


So glad I got to fit this trip in just before Stan had to go away again! Julie Scrumptious is not even 1 yet & I've already seen her 3 times - & only 8 weeks to go till that number changes to 4!! Woohoo! Family time is the best x

A new conference tradition

So two weeks ago we started (actually I should say MELL started) what I hope will be an ongoing conference tradition for the Heke/Leone families (& any other cuzzies that are ever around & want to join in!!)
It was so much fun...& hugely successful considering there were six little monkeys involved, all with attention spans equal to that of a flea! (I'm assuming that cause fleas are so tiny, their attention spans would be equally as miniscule but I could be totally wrong lol)

Before we got started though I made this gorgeous little stunner close her eyes so I could give her a special pressie....

She still loves all things rainbow so I did a little rainbow wrap for her...

And gave her a new pack of some cool felts we've had that have been lasting really well. Our set always gets totally out of order, but I told Ella that I was pretty sure that hers would all be kept in their right places on the colour spectrum ;)

Mrs Heke in her element explaining the schedule to the kiddos x

Then right before we started I took the opportunity to get the group cuzzie pic just in case it had all turned to custard by the end!!!.....

Love how all of them are actually looking at the camera in both of these pics!! Super cute how Dalls is so excited about conference just about to kick off ;)

Mac concentrating on his first activity

The troublesome trio playing with their blocks

All of the activities were super cool, but the absolute fave - for kids & adults alike was.....

The lolly game!! For the 6th & final talk, Aunty Mell had prepared these little bowls of treaties so everyone sat & listened super intently for these special words & then went crazy desperately trying to grab a lolly each time they were said!!! Needless to say, the message of the talk was just a teensy bit lost on how desperado we all were for a little sugar, but it was super fun nonetheless :)

Yummy chicken salad wraps, tatees & sausie rolls for lunch :D

And then onto cinnamon rolls & ice cream for dessert!

After that it was dress up time with a few takers having a go of Mum's old wig. Can't believe she actually wore that thing cause it looked so shocking on the boys!! Guess it's looking a bit rougher now though than it did back in the day lol

Totally not the right colour or style for Grandie either haha

It was also our precious Nanny-go-anny's 97th birthday, so it was neat to be all together to be able to sing for her & remember the special Nana/Mum that she is as well. Love you forever Nan xxxx