Sunday 14 October 2012

Mac Attack

I've been meaning to write this post for the longest time now, just as an update on where Mac's at. 

When Spence started walking Mac was as excited as the rest of us (at first), but it also seemed to bring out a few insecurities as I guess it maybe seemed to him like Spence was suddenly getting ALL of the praise & attention.

Anyways, he mustn't have been too happy about this & he started trying to fight for some of his spotlight back by disappearing into Spence's room for little periods & then coming back dressed as a baby!! 

As you can see this happened more than once & he also started asking for his milk in a bottle again, "just like Spencer" lol

Thank goodness this little phase only lasted a couple of weeks & he is now back to normal (well as normal as Mac can be!)

It's nice to have some peace & quiet as I type this as my ears are a little sore after having him home for two weeks for kindy holidays lol.....I do feel super blessed to have such a smart little cookie though & I never have to wonder if he loves me cause he tells me he does a million times a day :) :) I love you too my precious xxxx



The after dinner ritual now is for Mac to build a cushion slide/play area off the couch so he can jump around & do roly polys. He's only allowed to do it if he eats all of his dinner, which for now is working a treat!!
Spence thinks it's great & always tries to get in on the action too :)

Mac's answers to 20 questions yesterday (4 years 7 months)

  1. What is your favourite colour: Black
  2. What is your favourite toy? Optimus
  3. What is your favourite fruit? Kiwi & Peaches
  4. What is your favourite tv show? The one with Zooter (Jungle Junction on Disney Junior)
  5. What is your favourite thing to eat for lunch? 1st thing he said was  "despicable me", then "flowers" - then finally "crackers
  6. What is your favourite outfit? Costumes
  7. What is your favourite game? Hungry Dinos (like Hungry Hippos)
  8. What is your favourite snack? Bananas (whatever!!)
  9. What is your favourite animal? Giraffe
  10. What is your favourite song? I am a Child of God
  11. What is your favourite book? Thomas the tank engine
  12. What is your favourite cereal? Weetbix, Nutrigrain
  13. Who is your best friend? Atikin (from kindy) - "but he doesn't play with me anymore", Pod
  14. What is your favourite thing to do outside? Play with my bike & scooter on the driveway
  15. What is your favourite drink? Milk
  16. What is your favourite holiday? Halloween
  17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? My teddies (3 monkeys, a giraffe & a horse)
  18. What is your favourite thing to eat for breakfast? Crumpets, weetbix & toast
  19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday? Noodles - wow are my dinner's that bad Mac! :(
  20. What do you want to be when you grow up? A policeman, "but I don't have enought stuff yet." "What do you need?"...."A microphone & maybe a telescope to see if there's baddies."


  1. I love hearing about all your faves Mac.....lucky Halloween's coming up soon. Milk's your favourite drink, that's a bit lame honey

  2. FLIP MATE I THINK ITS AN AGE THING! MY NIWA RIGHT NOW IS THE FASTEST, SMARTEST, LOUDEST, CHEEKIEST, RUDEST, HYPO EST, NAUGHTIEST, STRESSFUL EST KID ON THE BLOCK!!! ARGHHHH. THAT MUST BE 4 1/2 YEAR OLD BOYS FOR YOU. I THINK SCHOOL WILL WIP NIWA INTO SHAPE QUICKLY AND IF IT DOESN'T I WILL BE LOST FOR SOLUTIONS! Hes just a million miles an hour. Everyone thinks Niwa is an angel, but they don't see half the stuff I see, perhaps I am the problem???? LOL. You are doing such an amazing job mate, just look at the little survey you did with him. Niwa would have take off after the first question ha ha. Love ya lots my friend.
