Saturday 2 February 2013

The Church Fairy

Church hasn't quite been the same since Mac arrived almost 5 years ago :( There has been ALOT of time spent in the corridors & I've OFTEN asked the question in the mind "Why do I even bother???!!!" But the answer to that question I've asked myself many a time, I know is obedience. I go to church even if it's just to hang out in the corridors, because I know it's where I'm meant to be :) :)

Church has always been a struggle with Mac so even though he's knocking on the door of 5 now!!!, he still doesn't particularly want to be there....& he definitely doesn't want to sit still or whisper :( .....So at our whits end around 6 weeks ago, we introduced the church fairy.

The church fairy watches him at church & keeps an eye on his behaviour in sacrament & then in class, so she can know whether or not she needs to leave a treat in the letterbox for him for when he gets home :) (We always sit in the rec hall & if he's being noisy we point up to the little air vents in the ceiling where she could be spying on him from?!)

He still tries to push the limits & loves to break free to the toilet any chance he can, but he IS doing better :)....And you should've seen his face when he opened the letter box the one week he was a right off & thought he'd still get a treat anyways - talk about devastated lol 

Envelopes from the fairy the week Shylah came to church

Stoked the day he was hoping the fairy would bring couscous & she did!!! (I always ask him on Saturday what he thinks he might like the fairy to bring him if he's good....& he's been begging me to make the couscous for dinner ever since which I still haven't gotten around to yet!)

P.S Just on a side note I feel so super blessed to have a husband that always likes to be prepared for church on Sundays. He always gets his & the boys clothes ironed on Saturdays & then gets them all dressed & ready on Sunday mornings so we can make it to church on time :) 


  1. Cool! Man he looks like the cutest missionary I've ever seen.
    I can't wait to show the girls this. Out of 4 'church fairy sundays, the girls have only had a visit from her once' hopefully this will inspire them!

  2. Hmm, man I swear the church fairy should be visiting us. We're ALWAYS good at church :(
