Wednesday 6 March 2013

YW's lately....

I'm totally loving my calling in YWs! We had a little reshuffle when we lost Sister D to Stake Primary a few weeks ago.... so I'm now the 2nd counsellor instead of an advisor, but that keeps me with my Beehives so I'm super happy about that!!

Here are some pics from the last month or so....

The girls with their handouts after Milika's AWESOME lesson on Adversity
Milika moulded each of our names out of these pieces of metal & attached a handout that said "Don't run away from is the hottest fires that forge the hardest steel." So cool!!
What's even cooler is that this handout idea of Milika's was an original! She didn't get it off Pinterest or anywhere else. Such a talented girl she is!!
Rox's handout for the Miamaids (for the same lesson topic)..."Life is no picnic" - complete with picnic basket & all :) These girls are so onto it!!
Setting up our heart attack for Georgia's birthday :)

We already knew beforehand that she was gonna be out, hence the reason the girls took their time to decorate the door too. So pretty :)

Her cake & pressie 

Our Tuesday night activity on flower arranging :)

My handout for last weeks lesson on the Atonement. I've never been confident in teaching lessons so I'm loving getting to chance to teach the class so often :) I feel like I'm improving a TINY bit each time so hopefully I'm in the calling long enough to get really good at it, because it's a talent I so totally admire! 

Toffee pop bouquet for Keisha's last Sunday in YWs
Keish with all the YW & us leaders :) ....I was YW President for a short time back when she was in Beehives & have been back for a short time just before she was about to leave, & it's so cool to see how she's matured into such a gorgeous young woman who is such an example to all the younger girls x 


  1. oh man this is so cool. They're real lucky to have you, and it seems like you're just as lucky to have them!!!

  2. Oh man, I know this is naughty to say but I am so totally jealous of your calling!!! You are def the right person for it though!
