Sunday 30 June 2013

The last couple months according to my iphone.....

My hot date for this year's Mother's Day dinner :)

Our yummy dinner courtesy of the lovely men of our ward

Me & Nix the pirate lol 

The first ever roast of our married life (8 years), cooked by Stan :) Soooo yummy!! (both the roast & the chef ;))

The little love note I stuck on Stan's lemon & honey drink ;) (copied off Pinterest of course!)

Where I found Spence hiding when I went to pick him up from creche one day :)

 Stan's last passport photo (wearing his Macca's uniform lol). He totally loathes this, but I think it's cool....I probably won't be too impressed if Mac tries to copy the same look when he's a teenager though!

 The boys one afternoon sitting on the bed they'd spent ages making out of pillows in the corridor. So nice to have a few seconds with them not fighting!! (Spence was saying "cheese!" when I took the photo - can you tell??!)

 Mac's selfie - he's obviously not afraid of close-ups (sorry if this scares anyone!)

 Spence one afternoon after Bubu & Aunty Tash had been to visit. He won't sleep if anyone's over, so when they finally left a couple of hours after his usual nap time, he was out like a light!

 Selfies in the truck at Farro while waiting for Dad to come out with another yummy roast. We had all gone there together for a family outing, but Mac kept annoying Spence until he was pretty much screaming the place down so we had to get out of there

 We were all in the lounge/kitchen area last weekend hanging out & then heard snoring & looked down to find Spence had crashed out mid-play again lol 

 That night the Stoners took us out on a yummy dinner date to Mexicali....(& taught us how to play Lincoln's game "Dibs")

And then we took them to GPK for some chocolate brownie - & a whole lot of selfies haha

The next night we had our yummy Moroccan lamb roast & B's cinnamon roll cake. Sooooooooo good!!!

 Mac's pic from awhile back that's been in the front entrance for a couple of months now (I finally took it down the other day so just wanted to get a picture of it first)

My poor little critter sick with the lurgy tonight :( I can never get enough of how cute it is that he quite often sleeps with both hands behind his head like this :) Love my baby xx

Friday 14 June 2013

B's Birthday

We've been so lucky to have B & Pete here for the past 11 months & with not having had her here to celebrate her birthday with for the last few years, we really wanted to make her special day one to remember :)

Christina Stinson wrote on her facebook wall earlier on in the week saying that her family believes in birthday weeks so Pete decided to start spoiling her early. 

On Wednesday Spence & I went & dropped off a special little early delivery to her work too.

 Mac's card

Then on Wednesday arvo we had an intense 15 minutes trying to get the pics for her birthday slideshow (see the vid a little bit further down) (this pic is one of the few happy seconds of the photo shoot!)

Just after 11pm on Wednesday night I went around & heart attacked her've gotta know I really love you if I do this cause I'm usually fast asleep by that hour! 

Here's the birthday message from the little rippers that I left on an ipod in the center console for her to watch...

And this is the birthday slideshow with pics of Aunty B & all her nieces & nephews who absolutely adore her :) :)

On her actual birthday on Thursday I got to have breakfast with her & see her again at the gym when her & Pete stopped in for a 10 minute game of squash lol (she has the pics for those 2 outings on her phone...) 

So last but not least was her burger bar/icecream sundae party :) When we were lucky enough to get permission to have the party at Dad's house, we knew we had to keep to a menu that was relatively quick to make & not too messy! Anyways I'm sure Dad would say that the party wasn't at all quick enough & way too messy for his liking, but all & all it was a great night!!

Seffy wasn't feeling well so wasn't his usual happy self :( Poor little man!

The kids amusing themselves climbing through the coffee table lol 

Climbing all over Aunty Mell who was lying on the cushion train they'd made :)
Yummy icecreams :)

B's fave caramel mudcake

We hope you know how much we love you B-Rocka!! Our lives just wouldn't be the same without you!! Love you no number xxxx

Sunday 9 June 2013

Beautiful winter's day at North Head

Yesterday we had the coolest family outing with Aunty B, Pete & Grandie. Pete hasn't been to the tunnels down at North Head yet, so they were heading down there & since it was such a BEAUTIFUL winter's day we decided to tag along for the ride :)

We didn't take any boxes since the ground was still a bit damp, but turns out North Head is the place for cheap thrills, boxes or no boxes, cause B & Pete had fun with the boys exploring the tunnels, trying to do jumping shots & get pics of Pete trying to look like he was falling off a brick wall into the ocean lol 

Check out the pics....

Pics Mac took with the camera from here......some of them aren't too bad!

The boys were super excited at the end of our walk to have chips & bickies from the back of Grandie's truck (you'd think they never get any treats or junk food at home lol)

Can't even put into words how much we're going to miss Aunty B & Uncle Pete when they go home next month :(