Sunday 30 June 2013

The last couple months according to my iphone.....

My hot date for this year's Mother's Day dinner :)

Our yummy dinner courtesy of the lovely men of our ward

Me & Nix the pirate lol 

The first ever roast of our married life (8 years), cooked by Stan :) Soooo yummy!! (both the roast & the chef ;))

The little love note I stuck on Stan's lemon & honey drink ;) (copied off Pinterest of course!)

Where I found Spence hiding when I went to pick him up from creche one day :)

 Stan's last passport photo (wearing his Macca's uniform lol). He totally loathes this, but I think it's cool....I probably won't be too impressed if Mac tries to copy the same look when he's a teenager though!

 The boys one afternoon sitting on the bed they'd spent ages making out of pillows in the corridor. So nice to have a few seconds with them not fighting!! (Spence was saying "cheese!" when I took the photo - can you tell??!)

 Mac's selfie - he's obviously not afraid of close-ups (sorry if this scares anyone!)

 Spence one afternoon after Bubu & Aunty Tash had been to visit. He won't sleep if anyone's over, so when they finally left a couple of hours after his usual nap time, he was out like a light!

 Selfies in the truck at Farro while waiting for Dad to come out with another yummy roast. We had all gone there together for a family outing, but Mac kept annoying Spence until he was pretty much screaming the place down so we had to get out of there

 We were all in the lounge/kitchen area last weekend hanging out & then heard snoring & looked down to find Spence had crashed out mid-play again lol 

 That night the Stoners took us out on a yummy dinner date to Mexicali....(& taught us how to play Lincoln's game "Dibs")

And then we took them to GPK for some chocolate brownie - & a whole lot of selfies haha

The next night we had our yummy Moroccan lamb roast & B's cinnamon roll cake. Sooooooooo good!!!

 Mac's pic from awhile back that's been in the front entrance for a couple of months now (I finally took it down the other day so just wanted to get a picture of it first)

My poor little critter sick with the lurgy tonight :( I can never get enough of how cute it is that he quite often sleeps with both hands behind his head like this :) Love my baby xx

1 comment:

  1. Wow, so much to the red lippy. Get mac to show that pic of Stanies blond hair to him when he's being ordered to have a haircut. then he can say 'relax Dad, another week or two of my hair growing isn't as drastic as bleachblond hair that you had....remember!!!!
    Spence wasn't saying 'cheese' in that pic, he was saying 'cheethe'
