Thursday 26 December 2013

Mac's last day of Year 1

Almost 2 weeks ago now Mac had his last day of school for the year! Hard to believe that's his first year down & that it went so quick, but what a great year it was too :)

He was so lucky to have the lovely Miss Hoffman as his Year 1 teacher. We're so grateful he had someone so kind & caring first off to give him such a positive & enjoyable start to his whole schooling experience...Only another 12 more years to go now lol - before uni that is :)

Goodbye Room 3 & Miss Hoffman! We're gonna miss you xx

This is the pic we took for the front of Miss Hoffman's thank you card :)

And the little treatie bags we put together for all his classmates :)

For Miss Hoffman's end of year pressie, we gave her this little santa sleigh full of choccies & Christmas mallowpuffs......

And then her card with a Westfield voucher inside so she could choose something she really wanted!

Here's what Mac wrote on the inside of the card.....

And here are a few of his last art pieces for the year that he brought home in his bag....

Oh & a list of some cool things about him that was on the classroom wall :)

So after all the excitement of school finishing & the Christmas holidays starting we were about to head out to the park that evening when Mac's finger got jammed in the door....& so we ended up at the White Cross up the road instead :(

I felt sooooooo terrible as well cause it was all my fault. I wanted to just quickly do the vacuuming before we headed out & so I was doing Mac's room & pulled the door up behind me as I finished. The door wouldn't close though, so I looked down at the ground to see what was jamming it & when I couldn't see anything I just tried again....only then did I realise though that Mac was screaming out to me cause his finger was stuck in the hinge. 

Him & Spencer had been in the hallway behind me just talking & so Mac had been standing there leaning on the wall with his fingers in the door, but because I had the vacuum cleaner on & was just doing my own thing with my back to them, I totally had no idea :(  :(  :(

Thank goodness Stan was there to look at it & sort it all out cause I'm hopeless with those kinda things.....once he checked it out & got it all wrapped up in ice, we drove up to the A & E.

I didn't get any photos at the A & E cause Mac was in a real state so it just wasn't appropriate, but thank goodness he started to calm down once he'd had his painkillers & they got it all bandaged up...

And Grandie & G bringing round a treat for the sad little patient once he got home, made it a million times better of course!

And I bet it's no surprise that this little guy scammed in on the treat just cause he could....

We had to keep getting it dressed for a few days after that, but the dressings just kept on ending up like this, so I think after about 3 days we gave them up & just went on to plasters & it's been healing really well ever since! Thank goodness for that!... Oh I'm now looking back when I close the bedroom doors after vacuuming just to make sure I don't catch anymore little fingers!!


  1. Cool school stuff Mac. Stink that Mum closed your fingers in the door. I was the one that shut Faith's finger in the car door and she ended up with a black nail that fell off....oops!

  2. Woah you guys are mean. Aunty Beezy would never do that ;) That is one munched up bandage! Cool artwork Mac and treaties nasal.
