Saturday 30 August 2014

Happy 6th birthday Faithy Babe! xoxo

On Thursday this week our gorgeous little firstborn niece Faith Kathleen Heke turned 6 years old!!! She has the most gentle little soul & the kindest little heart & man oh man do we love that girl to pieces <3 <3 <3

We had such a cool day celebrating her birthday at her party yesterday. She chose pita pit & then icecream & lollies for her dessert & both were an awesome choice!

Dad's new name for Dallin is "little Faith" :) Very fitting seeing as she's Faithy babe's 6 year younger twin!

Pod & Stellar (her bestie from school)

The girl between Faith & Stellar in this pic is May-or-ha 
(I know I spelt that wrong, but that's how it sounds. She's Ella's bestie from daycare)

Dilly on her bouncer in the corner while everyone was having lunch

Ella with the dessert stash (the bananas were only a token gesture I think cause I don't think anyone had them lol? Bit of wishful Mommy thinking haha - why do we even waste our time Mell?!)

The birthday girl & her cool new bike & wearing her nice new purple hoodie from Grandie :)

We love you heaps & heaps Faithy babe! Hope this year is even cooler than your last 6 - only 2 more years to go until your baptism now! Where are the years disappearing too??!!

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