Thursday 23 October 2014

Random pic update....

Oh my gosh these random pics go back awhile now, but better late than never right, so here we go....

Spence began proper toilet training when he started at Bayview Early Learning centre on the 16th of June & had it all sorted in a few days. He was doing Mondays & Thursdays when he started at the centre back then & when I picked him up that first Monday afternoon, they told me to bring him in undies on Thursday & they'd toilet train him. I said o.k & that I would, but we went straight from school to the shops that afternoon to pick up undies & he wore them at home for the next few days until he went back on Thursday..... & it's been undies ever since!! So glad for that little push they gave me to get it sorted....gotta have the token toilet pic to mark such a momentous occasion :)

Mac's effort on Seffy's 2nd birthday card "Seth you are the best cit (kid) You can cum ene tim. you are col (cool)

Pic from our lunch visit to Aunty Mell on her 31st birthday 
(whoa that sounds old Mell - stink that I'm always older haha) x

How the boys felt about the prospect of a little sister :) As you can see I'm over the moon - 
I'm pretty sure Dilly's smiling under that blanky too ;)

Just before we moved the boys into Spence's room, Spence had a little stint of sleeping in Mac's bed each night & they would always be this close when I went into check on them haha...dangerous ;) (as you can see the tiger blanket's still alive & well haha)

A family home evening about good & bad words & something to do with people's feelings....can't remember exactly what it was but it was one we got off Mell's blog, so thanks Mell :)

Role playing different feelings....

Coffee cake for Grandie's 63rd birthday

Mac trying to read Stan his Father's day card - & Spence being annoying...

Haha, gross Spence!

The cheeseballs :) x

Hape Fatis day. My dad is mavlis....cute x

Spence & Nikau's playdate. These two little cuties play so well together :)

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