Wednesday 5 November 2014

Saying goodbye to Aunty Natty, Jordy Pie & Kyky

Exactly a week ago last Thursday night, we had our final supper to farewell Aunty Natty, Jordy Pie & Kyky, before they headed off on their big adventure to Australia the very next day. 

We met at Glenfield Maccas & all the kids were super excited about that very fact - all except Dallin it seems....who was probably just bummed that she's not old enough to eat her own Big Mac yet haha

But everyone else was into their burgers & chips & loving it - all except Stan who brought his own stirfry (which he thought was the leftovers from the night before...but when I came home & discovered them still in the fridge we worked out that he'd actually eaten other leftovers from a chicken stirfry almost a week before haha...lucky he didn't get s sore tummy!!

The rugrats all jammed into the slide :)

We had to stage taking a photo of Faithy & Spence to get this pic - cause all we really wanted was a photo of the little girl behind them who'd obviously had a late one the night before haha....still a bit hungover by the looks ;)

Super chuffed with Aunty Natty shouting them all icecreams

They decided to plant themselves on the bottom of the stairs at the main entrance to Maccas here - must've thought they owned the place haha...I'm actually surprised we didn't get asked to leave that night cause this lot were such a rowdy bunch!!

We had to move them to the other set of stairs so people could actually get in & out of the building!

Dilly's mood picked up - around the same time Aunty Natty started feeding her icecream!

 Last pic before the 4 Ormsbys left in NZ dropped down to 3 :( :( There are now officially more of us across the ditch!

Hope you're settling in well Aunty Natty & look forward to coming to visit you & the boys sometime soon xoxo

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