Wednesday 6 July 2016

Iphone pic update part 1 (Feb-March)

While I'm playing catch-ups, my iphone pics haven't been dowloaded since Feb either so here are the main ones from the last 5 months (!!!) in 2 parts....

Tai's 5th birthday party at the YMCA. Tai was Spence's 1st ever bestie so it was a pretty big thing when he left kindy to go to school back in Feb. I wasn't sure how Spence would cope, but he was lucky enough to make another really good friend (Dylan) after he left so all was well in the world :) (Thank goodness!!)

The 3 amigos...Neeks started school a couple of weeks before Tai so 
after being good mates at kindy 
they'll actually end up in different school years next year

The pink bridge was such a big hit with the boys that we invited Aunty 
Mell & the kids back for a 2nd go :)

The day we went also happened to be Uncle Stanie's 35th birthday so Aunty 
Mell made us all some yummy cupcakes so we 
could celebrate without him!


I wonder if Spence will do this camera smile forever??!! lol... His wife 
might not appreciate it for their wedding pics haha

Always love having Shy along for the ride (even though it rocks the 
boat little bit when Mac gets jealous of how well Faith & Shylah get on & 
then feels left out)

Going to town on the free BK stickers

Not that BK is anything flash at all, but Mell & I still felt really out of place 
with all eyes on us with our tribe of 7 zoo animals in tow. They were just being kids but it kinda felt like everyone 
in the place was thinking what the heck were you guys thinking bringing that unruly lot here??!!

Such a fun arvo!

Spence all dressed up for Chinese New Year lol

Tai's kindy birthday

Dinner at the mall for my 35th birthday. 
How the heck did I go & get so old??!!

I'm pretty sure I know where Spence gets his awkward camera poses 
from ...not too sure why I'm holding onto my pita so tight lol

Then after dinner it was off for dessert with some of my besties

Check out this little gem I found on my bed one afternoon. 
Love these little golden moments of motherhood xxx

This chocolate banana icecream (just made out of frozen bananas, cocoa & milk) was such a staple dessert for us over summer. We had it pretty much every night for a good 6 weeks or so. The choc topping is just a couple of tablespoons of coconut oil with 1 teaspoon of maple syrup & cocoa)

Uncle Joe's new truck FINALLY arrived!!

How much does Ella suit this hairdo & check out those awesome legs 
of hers! I'd be totally stoked to have those!

Half of the massive zucchini we got from a free table outside a lady's house who lives just opposite the school 
(remember Kathy Baker who used to do dancing? Her Mum)...anyways it was super huge & we got a couple of batches of the yummiest zucchini brownies out of it!

My first hold of the gorgeous little Millie Jean Sayer

On the way home from this visit (Friday) I got a text from Annabel saying 
the Court of Appeal decision would be out on Monday. What a long, 
nerve-wracking weekend that was! :(

Pixie love we found on our doorstep after Mac & I came home 
from having priesthood blessings at the Murrays that Monday night xxx

Then some more love the next morning....

And even more love all the way from Aunty B & Uncle Pete in Oz about a week later <3 
It's not the same as having Stan home, but it's AMAZING how much these special acts of kindness lift our spirits at all these stink times. We're so blessed to have such special family & friends!

Just about to leave for Mac's first miniball game! :)

Gotta be the most handsome little miniball guy on the planet!

And this guy's pretty damn gorgeous too!

Spence's kindy trikeathon

Ready to take off with his besties Dylan & Paipa xxx

Out for lunch with Uncle Aaron & Grandie at 
Grandie's fave Masala

The puzzle king pretty happy with completing Uncle 
Carl's puzzle

Phew that was a long one! Part 2 to follow tomorrow ......

1 comment:

  1. Haha holding onto your pita tight 😂 I was so excited to get on and see youd posted. Yus cant wait for the next part 😃😃😃
