Tuesday 28 August 2012

Faithy turns 4

Four years ago today my first gorgeous little niece Faith Kathleen Heke was born. 

After four dirty, smelly boys the whole family was over the moon to finally have a beautiful little baby girl & she has just gotten more & more beautiful ever since!! 

Lucky she's got a big strong dad to guard the door when she becomes a 
teenager :)

Pretty in pink

Look at those eyes - aren't they just scrummy!

Her t-shirt says it all 
(Well actually it doesn't. 
It needs a "Nae" at the end - then it would say it all :D)

The day Pod became a big sister!!!!

Pod with her boyfriend lol

With her other boyfriend :)

Supermodel xx

Happy Birthday big girl :) Can't wait till your party on Saturday xxx

1 comment:

  1. Love it. You're such a cool aunty to do this post for 'pod'! I'm going to show her now.....She's like 'wow, these are all photos of me...cool!' Haha
