Sunday 12 August 2012

Seffy's Blessing

No-one in our family escapes a nickname - & it's usually a shame or strange one at that, so our newest little addition Seth is no exception :) And for now it looks like Seffy is may not be the coolest name on the block but it's what all the kids are calling him so it looks like it will stick!

Last Sunday (the 5th) was the day his Daddy, along with Grandie & some of his uncles & Daddy's close friends, blessed him with his actual name at church. 

Then after church we went home to the Heke household to celebrate the arrival of our gorgeous little son, nephew, grandson, cousin, brother & friend. 

We feel so blessed to have you as the newest little member of our family Seffy!!! Can't believe it's been a month already!!! Too bad you were asleep for most of the celebrations :) Your mum made the yummiest party food as usual & your clever daddy did a great job of making a tarpaulin roof for the deck in preparation for the rain that fortunately never came. What a fun filled afternoon!

 Mac & Petey Pete - it was Mac's 1st time wearing a sulu to church & describing it as a disaster would be an total understatement!!! Everyone around him got way more than a flash of what he'd had for breakfast lol - & he just thought it was hilarious....needless to say he won't be wearing it again until we get him some boxers & have a much needed family home evening on modesty :)


The only pic we have of Seffy from the day :( Shocking I know!! (Has to be noted that Aunty B was in charge of the camera this day lol)

Jo's sissy's & Te Korowai 

Luke & Linda's last family gathering before they head off to Brissy at the end of the month :(

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