Tuesday 5 November 2013

Uncle Carl jets off to Sydney

So on Friday Carl finally left for Sydney - not finally as in yay, he's gone, but finally as in hurry up & go already cause thinking of being minus another sibling was making me sad all over again after just having sent B off again a few months ago :(

I'm really gonna miss my gym buddy!! Years ago pretty much the whole family went to the gym - Mum, Dad, B, Carl, Mell, Joe, Stan & Me....actually I'm not sure if Natalie may've even had a short stint there....but over time everyone's moved away or dropped off until it's just been me & Carl left :( :( (Well Stan too at 5:30 in the morning, but that just doesn't count!)......so yeah, this week being there without him has been really lonely! 
Will always remember our good gym times though......

O.K, so back to Friday -

Here he was having probably his last pic outside Ensign Place 

A nice pic with Dad.....

And then it was off to the airport!!!

This little monkey was lucky enough to tag along...

Spence wasn't impressed that "Uncle" was leaving so he decided to give him the cold shoulder lol

A hug for Dad....

And then he was off :) :)

When we dropped Dad home, Spence went into Uncle Carl's room & got a little bit taken with 
this guy :)

He thought he'd better give him a nice big hug seeing as he was probably a lot upset that his owner of many, many years had just up & left him! Poor big ted :( 

He's still in major denial, just sitting on the couch waiting for you Carl - 
hoping you won't be too long!

Haha, seriously though, we hope Sydney is everything you hoped it would be, little (big) bro :) Can't wait till you've got a job & are all settled so we can take turns to come visit!! Love you lots & stay safe xxx


  1. Wow, so cool to see these pics. It makes it more real.....living over here I'd go weeks without seeing him so it hasn't hit home yet

  2. Pretty upsetting my buds gone, love seeing spencs pics with ted tho
