Thursday 31 October 2013

Trunk 'n' Treat 2013

Here's this year's trunk 'n' treat pics for ya B-Rocka :) So sad you & Petey Pete couldn't be with us this year, but cool the Hekes were able to come & join us!!! 

Thought we'd better do a trunk this time around so we decided to go 'jungle' :)
Isn't this just the cutest little giraffe you've ever seen??!!!

The kiddies had such a cool time!!

And the adults too ;)

Dad having a go at our game (throwing the bean bags to knock over the cans)

Uncle Carl on the eve of his exciting adventure out into the big wide world!!!

I think this guy had at least 5 lollipops throughout the night!
Cutey pumpkin Niwa :)

This little sharky had such a great night that he was still buzzing out till 11pm! Thank goodness Halloween only comes around once a year cause I definitely couldn't handle that kind of bed time anymore often than that.....

Oh & on the way home we saw a few kids trick or treating & Mac goes "hey Mum what's trick or treating?? Is it when you go & knock on people's doors & ask if they have any bad food??" lol....haha, pretty much son!

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