Friday 10 February 2012

5 months

I was just in Spency Wency's room closing his windows for the night & I peeked into his cot to look at my little sleeping cherub & thought man he's getting big, I can't believe he'll be 5 months already this week!!

It's crazy (& a little bit sad) how quickly my little baby's growing up! In a few more weeks he'll be starting solids & when he was born that's what I was hanging out for, but now that it's just around the corner I'm kind of wishing time would slow down :(

So just a little update so I can remember what he was doing at this age (cause at this rate he'll be leaving home before I know it!)

- He smiles ALOT. If he can catch your eye & hold your attention he'll smile for you ON & ON & ON.....& if you give him a little tickle under the chin or talk baby talk to him you can get him giggling in an instant (such a heart melter!)

- Doesn't like to miss out on any of the action so won't sleep anywhere but his bed - no matter how long he's been awake!!

- LOVES sucking on anything he can get in his mouth. Not so keen on the dummy - prefers his big fist or forearm anyday (guess because it's a lot more meaty lol - I don't blame him)

- Dribbles through EVERYTHING - no matter how many bibs or layers I put on trying to protect his clothing!! (I've bought soooooo many different kinds of bibs & still haven't found one that he can't soak through :( )

- Still spewy (arrrgggghhhh!! Can't wait for this one to stop!)

- Super LOVES the shower & sitting in his little chair

- Rolls over as soon as you put him on his tummy

- Tries to pull himself up in his carseat all the time (must get his mean abs from his Mum!)

- Loves watching his big brother gooning around (but quite often has a facial that says something like "Is this guy for real???" lol)

Went into his room to find Mac had put this on him wanting to play catch - are you for real??!!! lol

- Still gets wrapped to sleep even in this muggy heat! (Can't go off to sleep without it)

- Always tries to win me over with the biggest most beautiful beaming smiles when I'm putting him to bed - the trick is not to make eye contact but it gets me every time, he's just so gorgeous!!''

- Has started in the exersaucer but still needs a towel or something around him to prop him up a bit

- Has had a few turns in the Jolly Jumper but hasn't fully got the concept down yet

I think those are probably the main things for now. We love our little Spider so, so much!! He brings such a sweet spirit into our home - & even though he has me thinking I'm living in a laundromat at times, I wouldn't change a thing. The loads & hours spent doing the washing are all totally worth it to have him as part of our family. I think I'm gonna have to go watch him sleeping again now cause writing this has made me miss him lol..... 

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