Friday 3 February 2012

So like his Grandie!!!!

So we went to visit Grandie on Thursday afternoon & he was in a bit of a bad way with gout in his foot :( ... we didn't stay for long cause Mac was gooning around & I didn't want him to bang into Dad's foot & put him in even more pain so after a quick catch up we packed up & headed down to the car....

Anyways, everything was fine until Mac ran out of the house & tripped on the concrete right before the car :( !!!! He only got the tinniest grazes on both knees but being the drama king he is there was screaming & crying for at least an hour afterwards.

I tried to drive us home as quickly as possible so that Spence & I didn't have to be stuck in the car with him...but as we drove to the top of McDowell (with him in a hysterical fit!!) he did actually scream one thing that was kinda cute, he said "say a prayer Mommy for the hurt to go away quick" I quickly said a prayer for him & his big sobs kinda calmed down a bit - but only until maybe two seconds after I'd finished the prayer, when he screamed again "keep prayer-ing Mum it's still hurting!!!".....I said another one & then tried to explain that it might take a few minutes for it to stop stinging so much, but he had already kinda lost his faith in the prayers & was unconsolable once more :)

When we got home we had to get out the first aid kit so he could have it all bandaged up & then he lay on the couch watching movies the rest of the night. When it was time to go to bed I had to carry him in & he had to sleep on TOP of the covers cause the sheets & blankets would hurt it too much.

In hindsight I'm thinking I should of just taken him back to Dads so he could've saddled up in the other lazy boy & they could've been invalids together!! :)

Here are some of the pics.....

Drama King feeling sorry for himself :( :( :


And again......also kinda annoyed at this stage cause after half an hour I wasn't giving him the sympathy he thought he deserved anymore!!!

And so he thought turning up the volume again might win the sympathy back.....

I have to say he tried pretty hard.....

And for a decent length of time
but alas to no avail lol

The dressing was changed a couple of times yesterday & the bandage was finally allowed to come off this morning thank goodness!!!

I'd been contemplating teaching him how to ride a two wheeler lately & thinking it might be kinda fun - but after this episode from the tinniest little graze I think he's gonna have to keep the training wheels on until his Dad gets home!!!

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