Tuesday 14 February 2012

A weekend of get togethers

So this weekend just past we were at Mell & Joe's again for the usual family get together not once, but twice!!

The Chch Ormsby's had just been down in Tauranga for their annual family holiday & had come back up to Auckland to stay the night before heading home again so we got to catch up with them on Saturday & then Cassie on Sunday. 

On Saturday it was good weather so we got to eat out on the deck & just chill while the kids ran riot. Sarah, Mac & Faith had a great time playing shop out in the little cubby house & everyone wanted turns riding Bronson's scooter (but no-one looked as cool riding it as he did!!)

It was so cool to all be together again cause we hadn't seen Jaus, Steph & the kids since Dad's 60th back in August or Luke & Linda since before Christmas & their trip to Oz. (AJ we had just seen at Nat & Kris's wedding a few weeks before, but it's always good to see AJ. We love that we get to see her so often!!)

Here are some of the pics from our fun afternoon together....

Such a yummy spread - again!!

Mell asked me to bring fruit so I used a cookie cutter to cut star shapes out of the watermelon  (cool idea from my favourite site Pinterest!)

 Aunty Steph & Larielle

 The hostess with the mostess :)
(Is that a saying or did we make that up?? It sounds really weird!!)

Jordy after he was found alone HELPING Mell with her gardening!!! Good one Jordy!

The girls joining in.....

 Mac & Sarah playing shop (Sarah starts school next month!!!)

Ella feeding icecream to her leg - & to the outside of her mouth.....anywhere but actually in her mouth lol :)

Brons was such a pro on this thing. So cute!! 

On your marks, get set, go!!! (Brons smoked Pod on Gloria the Hippo lol...she never had a chance!)

Pod & Gloria the Hippo

Bubby Kyky sitting on the drive in the middle of all the action chewing on his drawstring :)

Cuzzies xxx

Pod & Mac were fighting to stand next to Brons lol

Me & my little bud :) He has grown up sooo much since we last saw him in October & was talking to me heaps. It was so cool!

 Jojo & his new gears....from 2 decades ago!!! (Dad had cleared out his wardrobe & brought some stuff over to see if Jo wanted it lol....Mell said this outfit was definitely a keeper!! :P)

It rained on Sunday so we had to have our get together with Cass inside, but it was still just as fun & soooo good to see her!! The kids all loved kisses & cuddles with Aunty Cassie & can't wait till she's back at Christmas!! (with the boys & Azza & hopefully for a whole lot longer)...

Spency's first cuddles with Aunty Cassie


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