Sunday 11 March 2012

Families in the park

On Friday afternoon Mac & Spence met up with their cuzzies Faith, Ella, Jordy & Kyky, for one of the last "Families in the Park" evenings run by the council for the summer. It was at Marlborough Park so it was pizza & chips for dinner (eaten very speedily!) before they all ran off to play.

They did some exercising....

Faithy on the cross trainer. She had a bit of a run in with another girl that seemed to be trying to get on whatever Faithy was already using. Faithy stood her ground though & in the end the other (older) kid, gave up lol

Played a bit of chess.....

Went for a ride in a wagon....

& heaps heaps more!!

Spence was a bit bummed that he couldn't hop out & do anything & kept trying to pull himself up in the carseat so he could see what the big kids were up to. Don't worry Spence, next Summer you'll be rearing to go with the rest of them :)

At the end of the evening we heard Faithy calling out & turned around to see her right up the top of this pyrimad!! When Mac saw it of course he just HAD to join in.

Pretty clever little cheeky monkey!

It's so cool that the cuzzies get to hang out together as much as they do. Was such a fun night !!

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