Saturday 31 March 2012

Candy Floss & Bouncy Castles

The kids have just had two days in a row of sugar... Luckily for us, they've also just had two days of bouncy castles to jump off the high that comes with all that sugar!!

Last night we went to Mell's school fair at Sherwood & this afternoon was the Carnival down at Dad's chapel. This afternoon down at Takapuna Ward was by far the cooler of the two though because how often do you get to something like that with no lines & for free!! The youth of the ward did such a good job of organizing & running it all. It was great fun :)

Here are some of the pics from Sherwood...(They're off my iPhone - not such why they've downloaded in such bad quality, sorry)

And from the Carnival....

Was Jo wanting us to believe this was all he'd eaten?? I'm not sure??....No-one would ever believe that in a million years sorry Jojo :)

It's almost always gotta end in tears :) (Not quite sure why Ella's the one crying from the pic before though? Maybe Mell missed a shot in between haha)

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