Monday 12 March 2012

Spence's first swim

I've been a bit slack getting round to Spence's first swim seeing as he turns 6 months this week (where did the last 6 months go, I know!!!)...but anyway on Saturday I finally took him to the Henderson pools with his cuzzies Jordy, Kyky, Faith & Ella (Mac missed out because he was at a party with Shylah). 

This is the only photo I got of his first pool experience cause I couldn't be bothered taking the camera inside with me - this was as excited as his face got the whole time though!!

Spence always loves his baths & showers so I was pretty confident that his first swim was going to be a total hit, but boy was I wrong lol. It just so happened that the pool heaters weren't working that day so they were pretty cold :( Spence wasn't impressed with being made to sit in the chilly water - he didn't cry, but there were no smiles either - & I totally don't blame him cause none of the rest of us were enjoying it either.... So after 5 minutes I was ready to call it quits, until we discovered that there was actually one pool that did have it's heating working! Of course every man & his dog wanted to be in that pool so it was pretty crowded, but we'd made the effort to get to the pools (which is always a big effort with toddlers & babies in tow, having to bring everything but the kitchen sink), so we decided to hop in there & try Spence's reaction again. 

With take two, there still wasn't alot of smiling or any kind of excited facial expressions, but he was ALOT more content to actually sit in the heated pool so we managed to stay for probably an hour before all heading home to Mell's for dinner. 

After dinner Mell got all the kids some icecream & then us adults left them in the lounge while we went into the kitchen to dish our own. Of course Spence didn't get given any cause he's still too young..... but when we came back into the lounge this is what he looked like!!!

To say he was excited by the icecream is an understatement!! It almost had his eyes bursting out of their sockets desperately looking around for where he could get more :) It trumped the pools & was the highlight of his day by far!! Thanks cousin Ella for sharing (only Ella lol) xxx 

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