Monday 9 April 2012

Mac's Scooter Picnic - 4th day of fun

So a week after Mac's actual birthday we finally got around to his 4th & final day of fun which was his scooter picnic party with all his cuzzies down at Normanton Park. (We never got around to Lollipops which was his 3rd day of fun, but combined with Bronson's party on Saturday & the Easter Egg Hunt at Mell & Jo's on Sunday, I figure we more than made up for it, so we'll leave Lollipops till the school holidays finish now I think...)

Easter Egg Hunt

Anyways, the weather was beautiful so we all had a really nice time just chilling out together at the park. We got there at 12 & had a feed of junk food & pizza & then the kids played around on their bikes & scooters while us adults just sat back & relaxed - Dad & AJ on his executive chairs - (which he had to drive home especially for cause he'd forgotten them) & the rest of us just on the cheap seats :)

Now the cake for this year was all good until it had to leave the house. Mell came with me in my car so she could hold the cake while I drove...& it made the trip over to Normanton o.k, but as soon as it got outside & was sitting on the picnic table out in the sun, it started to just fall apart. I used a Betty Crocker cake mix together with her yummy frosting, which I've used heaps of times before & am usually a really big fan of... However, Betty really let me down on this occasion lol....As good as she is for an inside setting, she really doesn't have what it takes to brave the elements, so at least I now know not to take her outside again!!

Thank goodness Mac wasn't at all upset by any of the cake fiasco because by the time we went to light the candles we couldn't even make that happen for him, poor little man!!! (It was too windy!!) But like I said, he didn't mind & was just having such a fun time running around & playing with all his cousins, so that was a relief.

Here are some pics of Mac's special day....

Thank goodness I took photos of the cake before we left home!!! (while it was still in one piece)

My handsome birthday boy xxx 

Dad & AJ on the executive chairs :)

Uncle Jo - the party entertainment lol. He had the kids on the go for 4 hours!

 What the cake had melted away to by the time we were ready to sing Happy Birthday

Mac blowing out his pretend candles since it was too windy to light the real ones :(

Love this pic of Jordy. For some reason it makes me just want to pat him :) Think it's his cute little paw lol

Mell spent ages trying to cuddle Spence to sleep - she was determined to do it & she FINALLY got him in the end. Little ripper!


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