Sunday 22 April 2012

School holiday fun

A couple of weeks ago I was looking forward to the holidays, but two weeks later I have to admit that I'm looking forward to dropping Mac back at kindy tomorrow morning lol :) I love him to bits, but that kid seriously has more go than the energizer bunny!!!

We did have a fun week this week though, hanging out with the cuzzies & good friends.

On Monday Mac & Shylah ran around from one playground to the next at Windy Ridge School...

Remember this slide Mell & B?? Good times aye :)

On Tuesday we met Aunty Mell, Bex, Nix & the kids at Sheperds Park....

On Wednesday Pod & Ella came to play while Aunty Mell went to the midwife. Then when she got back we went for a walk up to Maccas to get icecream & to have a play. Man what a drama that was! The playground was the most crowded I've ever seen it so Mell & I were just standing up watching the kids play when Ella decided to do her "business" right then & there! She's toilet training at the moment & is a bit on & off so I guess she just decided that the middle of the playground was as good a place as any!!! 

Oh man, her Mum was so not impressed (not suprisingly, poor Mell!!) but she did a great job of maintaining composure & got the little madam all cleaned up while the Macca's staff sorted the disinfectant haha...& then we just hightailed it out of there as quick as poss ...with Ella wrapped in one of Spency's cloth nappies cause that's all we had!

Ella lucky to still be alive after her performance at the playground lol

On Thursday we hung out with my friend Clarey again...

& then on Friday we finally had Pod over for her sleepover :) With 2 iphones & 2 ipads her & Mac still had to fight over which ever thing the other one had, but in between the tears over technology they had a great time watching movies, building a fort, walking up to the mall for morning tea & a play & riding scooters. 

Ahh, the life of a kid's a tough one alright!! 

Dropping Pod back home on Saturday arvo

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