Sunday 1 April 2012

My little baby's turning four!

It's so hard to believe that in less than 24 hours my little baby will be 4 years old!!! In some ways it just seems like yesterday that we were there at the hospital in all the commotion that surrounded his birth.... but then in other ways there are so many precious moments & memories that have been created since then, that it seems like a lifetime ago that we were way back at the very beginning...

One things for sure though - 4 years ago tomorrow our lives changed forever (in the best of all possible ways!!) when our gorgeous little Mac came into the world xxx

Mac loves a bit of drama, so the way he made his entrance was very fitting for him. He was breech & didn't want to move (haha typical - he's still the same 4 years later!!) after yoga & lying on beanbags & swimming & acupuncture (a few of the things people suggested I try & do to get him to flip), we went with the final attempt of an ECV where an obstetrician at the hospital tries to use their hands to carefully manoeuvre the baby around.

The doctor had him turned & headed the right way in a few minutes so we were over the moon! I was actually a little miffed as to why I'd had to try all the other ways of getting him to turn first when this option was so quick & easy! Since it had all been a success, Stan headed off back to work while I stayed hooked up to the machines for the standard 20 minute monitoring that follows, & all seemed well.

When the 20 minute mark came around, my midwife's phone rung, so rather than unhooking me from the monitors before she answered the call, she just left me there to wait a little longer. During this time I noticed the machine start beeping in a different way than it had before, with the lights now flashing?? I didn't really know what the readings were meant to be & so I wondered if it was still all o.k, but just lay there patiently waiting for my midwife to return.

When my midwife finally came back about 5 minutes later she went to read the screen & trying to appear calm, informed me that things had changed & that she would now need to call the obstetrician back & that I should probably also call Stan & tell him to come back as well.

I didn't realize what she knew was actually going to happen, so I just said "no don't worry, I don't mind waiting here on my own" & so she said "no you REALLY need to call him back because I think you're going to be having your baby very shortly" lol :)

O.K well that shocked me a whole lot because we had just gone into the hospital for our ECV appointment & I had only just started my maternity leave 2 days earlier & we weren't due to be having our baby for another 3 weeks at least!! I had no bag & no carseat with me, no NOTHING!

All that became irrelevant however, as the ECV had caused Mac to get all tangled up so that his head was now pushing down on his umbilical cord, cutting off his oxygen. The only thing left to do now was take him out!!...So on the morning of Wednesday 2 April 2008, we went to North Shore Hospital for an 11 o'clock appointment & at 12.10pm we had ourselves a baby!!!

Despite being almost 4 weeks early, he was absolutely perfect. At 49cm & 2.5kg, he was the tinniest, most gorgeous thing I've ever laid my eyes on (until we had Spence that is & now they both place 1st equal :))...but it truly was love at first sight. I thought my heart would explode with how much I loved you from that very first moment I held you in my arms my precious little Mac....but each day that goes by I love you more & more.

So for your 4th birthday my precious, here are four reasons why I adore you:

1) You are so full of life & personality. When you're doing something fun or are with the people that you love the most, your little face just shines with excitement

2) And that super stunning smile of yours just always melts my heart. Before you were born, Dad & I were hanging out to know what you would look like & whether we'd make an o.k match??!!...but now that you're here we just wonder all the time, how we got so blessed to have a son as beautiful as you (both inside & out)

3) Whenever I drop you at kindy or creche or you're going somewhere without me you always have to give me a big kiss & a cuddle before I can leave. I know you won't want to do this forever - I get sad just thinking that one day it'll end :( .... so I'm making the most of it while I can

4) You take such good care of Spence & are so protective of him (a little bit too much when you don't like anyone else holding or touching him, but I know it's cause you love him so much). It's so cute the way you like to try different things to try & find something that'll make him laugh, & then do it over & over again just because you love to make him happy

Happy 4th Birthday my precious little Mac. I love you to the moon & back & much, much more xxxx

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