Sunday 29 July 2012

Run for my money

Wow... as a parent you always hear about the "terrible 2's", so when Mac was around that age I kinda braced myself for it - & I think I remember feeling like it wasn't as bad as I had anticipated it to be.....but by golly does 4 year old Mac sure smoke 2 year old Mac in the terrible stakes!!!

He wanted a turn in the jolly jumper - first & last turn as a four year old. He bounced so hard I thought he was gonna break the door frame!

Always a weird combo when he dresses himself. Jammie top, Optimus pants & Spencer's 6-12 month old hoodie :)
The printer hadn't been working for a couple of months & I had spent awhile trying to fix it & finally given up & then Mac comes out of the office one day having printed this. What the heck??!!

Mac, 4 years 3 months

I love him to pieces, but I'm really hoping that he will mellow out with time cause those painted on ears are driving me batty!!
I must say though that when he does slow down (at very rare intervals throughout the day) he is very loving & affectionate at the moment giving Spence & I lots of big kisses & cuddles :)

You're a handful my big boy, but you sure make us laugh xxx 
The house is gonna be VERY quiet when you go to Oz in a couple of weeks!!!

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