Thursday 27 December 2012

Christmas 2012 (Part 2)

So after opening pressies at home, it was off to Aunty Jose's for Christmas brekky with the Leone's....and of course more pressies.....

Super chuffed with more lego from Aunty Jose & Mattsy :)

Mac's pressie for Shylah

Trying out Tarian's new drum kit

Shylah's new bike from Santa

Then it was straight from one feed to another for the Ormsby Christmas lunch at the Hekes.....

Spency loved his 2nd Christmas so much better than his 1st :) 
Guess it helps to be awake for it!

Just missing Azza :(

Gotta love those tan lines :)

Having a blast with the Heke crew's new water play table

Giggles with Uncle Carl

Mell's totally delish Oreo cheesecake!!

Mac with his fave choccy eclairs made by Aunty B 

Playing with the party string Aunty B bought the kids ....

which apparently didn't work too good :(

Working properly or not though, it was obviously still fun!!

2 seconds after leaving the party :)

What a totally cool day!!

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