Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Should I be worried??!

Oh man, it is soooooooo good to have Stan back again!! When we're at home, the boys are all over him 24/7 & I'm loving watching them climbing all over him for a change rather than me lol....

He's got our routine down too so it's comforting to know that if anything ever happens to me, the boys'll be o.k - OR WILL THEY???!

A few little funny experiences from the last couple of days.....

Yesterday morning I was in the bathroom getting ready & I heard Spence crying in his bedroom. Stan was closer to him in the kitchen so I left him to go sort it out. I heard him go into the bedroom to check what was wrong & then come back out again. There was a pause in Spence's crying for a second, but then it continued ???

I waited for a bit to see if it would stop but it just kept on going & then Spence came stumbling out with a bowl stuck to his foot lol :) When I asked Stan why he hadn't taken it off, he said that when he'd gone to check on him, he couldn't see anything wrong lol. My poor baby!!!

Stan is also the one that drops Mac off to kindy in the mornings, so anyways this morning they got in the car & headed off to kindy together - as they usually do :)

Spence was in the highchair eating his brekkie, so once they'd left I went into the lounge to do a bit of a tidy up & the 1st thing I saw lying on the rug was Mac's school bag!!

They had only just driven up the drive so I quickly went to get my phone to call Stan up & tell him to come back, but as I went to pick up my phone I saw his one sitting right next to it!!

Oh well I thought, I guess they're just gonna get to kindy & then have to come back again....so I went to put the bag out on the deck so it'd be waiting at the top of the stairs for them when they came back.... 

Only when I went to put the bag outside Mac's jandals were sitting out there too!!

When Stan got to kindy he turned around & saw the bag wasn't there & then looked at Mac's feet & saw he had no shoes on, so back home they had to come lol :)

When they came back down the driveway to pick up their forgotten items they were both cracking up!! Totally like father, like son. Think Mac shoulda been blonde just like his Dad!!

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