Sunday 9 December 2012

The last few weeks according to my iphone...

Dad & Mac having a little nana nap after all the excitement of 
Stan's 1st day back :)

Fun FHE with the Stoners down at the tennis courts 

Families in the park down at Marlborough - again

Shylah's 5th birthday party - Princes & Princesses

Beautiful Princess Shylah - can't believe she's 5 already!!

Double trouble

Mac on my fun day doing mother help at kindy :)

Scary spiders in the fridge - Mac's latest obsession is moving these spiders around the house. He usually puts them in cupboards or drawers or that, so that when you open them up you get a big fright lol. He thinks it's hilarious!!!

Me working late into the night trying to fix my iphone. I ordered all the parts I needed, watched the repair videos on youtube & was determined to fix it myself, but unfortunately couldn't get it going :( In the end I had to take it to Dr Mobile who fixed it overnight....he did say he thought the parts I ordered were crap, but I was still disappointed I couldn't get it going on my own :( Oh well, I had a fun time playing around with it anyways...Was so cool to see what the inside looks like

Super cool time at Extreme Edge Rockclimbing....well at least it looked super cool -  I was on Spence duty so didn't actually get a turn, but next time I'll definitely be leaving him at home cause it looked sooooo much better than the usual Rockclimbing up at Birkenhead!

Aunty B about to climb King Kong's tower

Mac & B on their way to the top :)

Last Sunday I didn't have anything planned for dinner so I thought I'd be a cool Mum & do pancakes - I've never been cool & done pancakes before, but I always used to love it when we were growing up & we'd have it as a special dinner every now & then...

I felt bad about having a dessert for dinner rather than a proper meal though so I decided to boil up some broccoli & carrots. When Stan saw me doing this he was confused & asked what those were for as he thought we were having pancakes? I told him that we were having pancakes, but that I'd decided that we'd each have to have a bowl of broccoli & carrots first :)

Stan laughed & thought I was kidding, but I told him that it was no joke & that he'd obviously forgotten who he was married to with being away for the past year haha  

Spency kindly obliged.....

But the bigger boys weren't too impressed lol

In the end Mac & Spence hardly touched their dessert for dinner, so turns out pancakes doesn't make you a cool Mum in our household after all!!!

1 comment:

  1. Pancakes (well Waffles actually) don't make me a cool Mum either. I tried again last night and no go for the girlies. I want to do that rock climbing too. Will have to ditch the babies one time and go out
