Wednesday 30 October 2013

Carl's going away dinner

Uncle Carl moves to Sydney on Friday so on Monday night we had his last Supper!
Sausies on the barby, sausie rolls (Carl's fave), garlic bread & not 1, but 3 yummy salads made by Aunty Mell.....then for dessert, it was cinnamon roll cake or yoghurt & fruit salad for the health conscious of us.....actually it was more like a little bit (or a lot) of both for most of us, but at least we tried :)

 No salad to be seen on Uncle Carl's plate (surprise, surprise!)

 My plate looked a lot better :)

 The punk rocker ;) (this pic is especially for you B!)

 Pretty girls xxx

 Stan & Jojo's usual cheddar pic

 Cheesy cowboy :)

 Top secret meeting :)

Only 2 more sleeps to go till he leaves now! Really gonna miss our little (big) bro, but excited for the new opportunities that await him over the ditch :)

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