Monday 7 October 2013

Mac's 1st school production!

Well it's been a busy last couple of weeks with the school term finishing up & Grandie's big op so here's the 1st of a few catch up blogs to hopefully get things back on track :)

On the last week of term Mac's school had their production which all the kids were involved in. It was called 'A Pirate's Life for Me' & was written by one of the teachers (& she totally did such a great job!!). 

Now you may be wondering how Mac fit into the storyline as a tiger, but it was actually really clever because the story was about a group of Pirates following clues all around the world to find their treasure :)

Each class was assigned a different country, so when the Pirates showed up in their country they did their own special dances etc.... The other really cool thing about it was that all the countries they travelled to were the main countries that the students of the school are from (Africa, Middle East, Korea, Phillipines, Samoa, India & NZ)

Mac's class was pretty much the first group up, so when the pirates followed a clue to Africa all these GORGEOUS little safari animals came up on stage :) :) :) Mac was a tiger, but others from his class were also zebra's, monkeys, giraffes & lions. They were all sooooooo super cute!!

Words can't describe just how super PROUD I was to see my little tiger dancing around on stage with all the rest of his classmates!!! They had spent weeks & weeks practicing their routine & were all so out of time with each other but it was just sooooooooo adorable & I'm pretty sure from the audience's response that they were the favourite item of the night :) (Of course I may be just a teensy little bit biased!)

We had only bought tickets for the Wednesday night show but after watching it that night I totally wished I could've been there for all 3 nights!

I was there to help get all the kids ready on Tuesday & Thursday night though so I was lucky enough to get quite a few pics of all the little cutie pies....the song on the slideshow is the one they did their dance to on the night :)

You're such a superstar in my eyes, my precious Mac. Bring on 2 years time when we get to see you in your next school production!! xxxx


  1. Cool! Soooooooooo wish I coulda been there. Don't need to see it to know that he would have been great though ;)

  2. Mac you would make a cute anything, and a tiger is no exception!!!!!
