Wednesday 11 July 2012

Mac, the Good Samaritan & Mr Whippy Icecream

Mac was desperate to ride his bike again yesterday so I said that I'd take him down to Normanton when Spence woke up from his nap. He wasn't happy about going anywhere but Onepoto though, so when Spence got up we headed off to meet Tui & her crew :)

Harry, Mac & Rose were having a great time riding around on their bikes & Tui & I walking & talking when that all too familiar Mr Whippy tune started to play....I went to get some food for Spence from the car & when I came back to the entrance of the park I found Mac's bike just lying in the dirt, Mac nowhere to be seen. 

It didn't take long for me to figure out where he'd disappeared to, so I quickly rushed over to the queue gathering beside the Mr Whippy van just in time to see my son right at the front of it, being given a delicious looking chocolate dipped icecream with a flake????!!!!

I had no idea how he'd wrangled this one, but realised that someone must have bought it for him, so I quickly rushed back to the car to get some money to pay back this good samaritan. 

Heading back to the Mr Whippy van there was a pretty young asian lady walking towards me pushing her baby in a pushchair, eating icecream. I had seen her standing behind Mac in the queue & so I stopped & asked if it was her that'd bought my little monkey an icecream?

She said yes & that it was nothing (apparently he'd just rocked up to ask Mr Whippy for one, not realising that he doesn't just give them away without a cost), so because she'd been behind him she must've just paid for it for him :) :) :) (Those smiley faces there are because that was such a totally sweet thing for her to do - not because my son managed to score himself a free icecream!!)

Anyways I apologised & thanked her profusely & tried to give her back the money, but she refused to take it saying it was nothing.

To her it may have been nothing, but to me it was something. I was really touched that a total stranger would do that for my little rascal. How lovely was that, that she was willing to pay for his icecream, rather than see his little heart crushed by Mr Whippy having to say no to his request because he had no money to pay for it :) It's so nice to know that there are still kindhearted people in the world today :)

That sweet lady may have refused any kind of payback, but I'm going to make sure that I keep an eye out for any kind of opportunity where I can pay it forward, to try & do something as cool for someone else as what she did for us.

P.S I have since had a talk with Mac about how he can't line up in the Mr Whippy queue without my permission first so hopefully we won't have any repeat episodes!

Mac's legs covered in bruises from his first two days of riding a bike!! Doesn't actually look so bad in this photo, but in real life they're a mess. I couldn't believe how bad they were when I was drying him after his shower last night

1 comment:

  1. hey Matie! That was a great entry today about the ice cream! HAHAHA How hillarioius!!! I'm totally going to find a pretty little asian lady to stand in front of next time and see if I can lucky... Aren't those icecreams like $6 dollars each? I think I'll go for a triple scoop banana split with the works!
    XXX Youre so cool! XXX Niks
    Ps - I love that we are going down in history as the Auntys that helped him ride his first two wheeler! WOHOO!!!! (Don't really like it that you have us running whilst bending over on the world wide you tube yelling "pedal! Pedal! Go! Go!" Shame! I think I could see my butt crack through what I thought was a slimming dress...Never mind, I'll still wear it tomorrow cos nothing else fits! hahah... Is this a private message?
