Monday 9 July 2012

My little baby can ride a bike!!

Today we spent the most BEAUTIFUL sunny winter's afternoon at the park with Bex, Nix, Agnes & the kids. Mac was pretty excited about the chance to get outside with his scooter again as we spent alot of last week couped up inside with the not so great weather. 

When Niwa arrived he showed us how he's learnt to ride a two wheeler & so I told Mac to watch how cool it was that Niwa could now ride a big boys bike & from there it was all on! Mac wanted to have a go & I tried to convince him not to as I thought he would just bail straight away & end up hurting himself & then whinging & ruining the rest of the afternoon, but much to my surprise he was actually pretty good right from the get go!...........And after a few little pushes & encouragement from his spectator crew he pretty much had it :D 

I have to say that I was pretty amazed because I'd thought to myself back in March after his kindy trikeathon that I should probably start teaching him how to ride a two wheeler, but had decided that I'd just wait till after winter cause he wasn't really riding that much with the cooler weather on it's way....but anyways, it wasn't quite the big ordeal that I thought it would be after all! 

I was expecting it to take awhile for him to actually catch onto it & that while he was practicing there'd be plenty of grazes, blood & tears??? I'm sure I remember falling off my bike plenty of times before I finally got it?!! So wow, today's experience was totally unexpected. So much for having to teach him how to ride a bike. He practically taught himself!!! 
Cutie pie Nikau
I'm so glad I was there to see you though my precious Mac. You're so super clever & I love you no number!!! Watching you have a go & keep trying until you got it really made my day :D

On another cool note, Niwa lost his little police balance bike so we were looking all around for it when we decided to stop & say a prayer. Nix, Niwa, Emil & I stood around in a little huddle while Bex said a prayer that we'd be able to find it & as we finished & opened our eyes, there was Arama walking towards us having just found it!!! It was probably the most instantaneous answer to a prayer that I've ever witnessed. It was awesome :)

What a fun day all round xx

Check out the vid below of Mac's 1st day learning to ride a bike :) :) :)

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