Thursday 5 July 2012

Waiting for a baby....

I published this post the other day, but for some reason it disappeared off the blog (into cyberspace somewhere I guess??) so I thought I'd try again...

We got to have Faith & Ella come & stay for a few nights while Aunty Mell was having the baby, so here are just a few was total madness, but we had a few dance parties, ALOT of snack stops & heaps of fun :D :D

I love my two gorgeous girls xxx

This is what the house looked like the whole time. No point trying to tidy up!


On our way to drop the girls back home, I started to smell something strange & when I opened the door to get Spence out this is what I found!! His new trick is making himself throw up :( :( ... & as you can see he's pretty impressed with himself!

When we got back from dropping the girls home Mac fell asleep on the couch for 4 hours!! Guess those couple of days of sleepovers really wiped him out!!

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