Monday 28 January 2013

Auckland Anniversary at the Marina

So most of us have lived in Auckland for all of our lives & never been to Bayswater Marina - until today that is, & the weather was absolutely perfect for it!!

Dad went for the first time a couple of weeks ago & has been wanting to take us all ever since so that was the primo spot for our picnic today :)

Pete's "trying not to yawn" face lol

Cutey little Seffy boy xxx

Mac trying to stop Spence from falling down the hole to the sea :)

The old ladies knitting on the park bench :) (Stan & Dad)

Pete photo bombing the pic lol...

Mac photo bombing the pic!

Aunty B being a big meanie....

But Seffy loving it :) :)

Slight damper on the day going back to the truck to find some low life had keyed it :(

After the marina it was off to Marlborough where we just happened to luck upon 
a families in the park :)

Exhausted after such a fun day, but sleeping creepy with his eyes half open lol...

1 comment:

  1. oh man I had all these nice things to say about the pics in this post but I'm too creeped out by Macs eyes in this to remember what they were
