Sunday 20 January 2013

"Chews" to follow the Holy Ghost

So this week I've been contemplating starting up a blog for our awesome Aeroview Beehives class (I totally have the best calling ever!!...I know I used to say that about Primary, but for now being advisor to the Beehives is the coolest!!)

I'd really love for us to have our own blog so I could document all of our lessons & activities & so I could share spiritual thoughts with the girls throughout the week....the only thing holding me back is the fact that it means more blog posts for me when I already struggle at times to keep up with all our own goings on!!

So for now I'll just think on it a bit longer until I come up with a workable solution for moving forward & in the meantime I'll just write about them here....

So today was the first of our lessons from one of the girls as part of the new "Come Follow Me" curriculum :) :)

I'm still nervous every time I teach even at my old age, so I totally would've died to have had to teach the whole lesson back when I was a beehive, but Georgia did such an awesome job!!

She spoke about the Role of the Holy Ghost (concluding our month of learning about the Godhead) & she couldn't have come up with a better object lesson if she'd tried, because as she spoke, the Spirit in the room was so strong! 

I'm so proud of her for feeling the fear & doing it anyway & for being so prepared. If she can deliver a lesson like that at 12 years old, she'll be a fantastic missionary if she decides to go on a mission when she turns 19! 

For her little handout she gave us a pack of mentos with a little note to "Chews to listen to the Holy Ghost." Can't wait for Milika's turn next month now :) x

Our gorgeous Beehives xxx


  1. oh my goodness. That's one of the sweetest things I've read and seen. you definitely have a cool calling and a beautiful group of girls!
    PS. Do the blog. I'll add it to my reading list :)

  2. Woah, brave alright! They will be so much better of for it.
