Monday 14 January 2013

Lately.....sort of

Here are the latest pics off both of our iphones that I've just 
gotten around to downloading :) :) .........

Aren't these two just the cutest!!! Loved our day with Niwa

Spence woke up in a bit of a jam this morning lol....

Mac with Aunty B's advent calendar....."I can't have any aye Aunty B?"

I heard Mac call out "Look Mum I'm a Christmas tree!" & this is what 
I turned around to see haha

Christmas picnic at Mac's kindy

Haha, looks like Shylah got sick of Mac's motor mouth as well!!

Stan came home from the gym one morning cracking up that 
he'd looked down after his first set doing squats to see this lol :) 
He said it was dark when he left...haha good one babe!

Chips from Bema at the Park (Devonport) - just like when we were kids :) :) :)

Spence fell off the bench in the first 5 mins & grazed his chin

A walk at Milford beach.....which wasn't much of a walk as Spence 
just wanted to sit & dig sand.... 

And then eat it :)

Eating popcorn with Dad (as you can see in Mac's mouth & on 
Spence's lip lol) 

Walk to our park when Jordy & Kyky came to stay :)

Jordy's angry face

Sleepover in Mac's queen bed.... but they chose to be this close together lol :)

Shylah riding a bike without training wheels for the 1st time!! 
Jose was so gutted she missed it but we got it on camera :)

The two little rippers dressed as twinnies for the day in Mac's striped tees & denim shorts lol....(Pod had a spontaneous sleepover after the pools one day last week, so the next day this was the best outfit we could come up with :) 


  1. Oh man, too cute all of them. And too many comments so I will just say one. How could you make the shoe mistake Stan when it looks like one of them has Velcro???!!!

    1. lol, too true I didn't think of that!!! You don't have to open the velcro to put them on though :) If it was anyone else you wouldn't be surprised, but because it's Stan you're not really aye haha....
