Sunday 27 January 2013

Mission Bay

I don't know whether to laugh or cry about the massive struggle it is to get our family out the door at times....

Yesterday was such a beautiful day & we knew that we had to be outside in the sunshine because otherwise it'd just be a total waste.... but with waiting for Spence to have his sleep & then Mac falling asleep while we were waiting, we didn't end up making it out the door 
until 5pm!!!

What a cool afternoon we had though!! Man I love being out with 
my boys xoxo

It's getting pretty hard to get a photo of Mac with just a normal face though....

Spence was so contrary the whole time we were out as usual!! Take him somewhere fun & he has to whinge about it - ALOT! :(

Next Saturday we're gonna try & get out the door a little earlier!!

1 comment:

  1. 5pm, are you serious. That's pretty bad!!!!
    Mac's facials are so so so cool/cute
