Wednesday 27 June 2012

Spence's new tricks

Spence has been having a ball the last couple of days practicing some new tricks! Check him out - so super chuffed with himself :) :)

P.S Funny how you feel as a parent when your child masters such basic little things like this lol - I've been feeling so proud all afternoon!! You'd think I'm the only Mum in the world whose son has ever learnt to shake his head & wave! It's just so super cute though. I can't get enough :) x

Tuesday 19 June 2012

9 months

Well I've been waiting until I got the lappy back to post again (cause it's soooo much more comfortable to type this up sitting on the couch in the evenings rather than using the desktop in the office), but it didn't come back today like it was supposed to, so I decided that I'd better just get on with it anyways....(otherwise Spence would be 10 months already at this rate!!)

Trying to eat his own reflection :)
So in my last couple of write-ups for Spence's monthly posts I think I've commented on how fast the times been flying by & how I wish it would just slow down, but this last month was a definite reminder to be careful what you wish for!!!!

Spence's 8th month seemed to go SUPER slow which probably had a lot to do with the fact that him teething + sick (he broke out in a rash so the doctor said he must have some kind of virus) = a very unhappy baby :( :(

Spence putting a sock in it - literally lol... He loves pulling his socks off & eating them. Disgusting I know!

Last week was probably the worst with him crying pretty much EVERY time I put him down. If I tried to put him down to play with his toys, he'd burst into tears & follow me wherever I went & just sit on my heels grizzling until I picked him up.

It wouldn't have been so bad if picking him up actually consoled him, but he was obviously feeling so rotten that it didn't really make things any better, so there were a few days there where Pamol was his best friend (and mine too!)

On the up side though, he finally has a tooth!!! One lone little pearly white on the bottom right hand side. I am so, so happy that it's finally arrived after all the drama that it's caused only 19 more to go :(

Check out my first tooth!!

Well it's actually pretty hard for me to remember what else happend this last month cause "grizzly baby" pretty much sums it up!!

A few other things though - 
- He's still commando crawling, but now at the speed of light!! Watching it always makes me giggle to myself cause it makes me feel like we're in the trenches or on a battlefield - especially with the urgency with which he rips around everywhere, he's always gunning for his life :)

- He annoys Mac now by bowling right up & trying to snatch whatever he's playing with, or destroying a tower or something Mac might have just spent ages making. Today Mac said to me "Mum, why does Spencer always follow me?!! He follows me & eats the toys!....Follows, eats, follows eats!".....haha (if Mac only knew that he is just as annoying right back!...)

- A typical week day routine for Spence right now is:

Around 6:30am   Wake up
           8:30       Drop Mac at kindy
           9:30       Morning nap
           10:30     Morning tea
           11:30     Pick up Mac
                        Out & about/Creche
           2:30       Home for afternoon nap
                        Afternoon tea
           4:30       Dinner
           6:00pm   Bed!!! Yay :)

First time eating sausage - & loving it!! Although what doesn't he love??!! Such a good eater!

Now here's to hoping that this month's all smooth sailing!!