Friday 3 January 2014

Christmas Day part 2

So after we finished opening pressies on Christmas morning it was quickly onto organizing brunch for the Leone family (which was supposed to start @ 10am, but didn't start till about 11:30!) We were so busy preparing the food & hosting the brunch this year though that I didn't get to get any pics of it all!!! 

Aunty Jose & Uncle Mattsy's new baby, Blake had arrived 5 days earlier so it was nice to have little newborn cuddles on Christmas day :)

Then after we finished up with brunch, we headed straight out to the Hekes for a late lunch @2pm. This was hopefully the last year we'll have the two families celebrations both on the same day though cause it's always really non-stop & super rushed (especially the morning part), so next year we're hoping it'll work out o.k to be able to do things a day apart. 

Check out these two good lookers on the Heke's new tramp :)

Uncle Kris A.K.A Santa, with all his deliveries :)

I saw Pod doing this a couple of times on the tramp that day??! Maybe she thinks that's what tramps are for? Kyky's not quite sure what to think of that lol

The bag lady lol

The boys with the only pic we got of the ham (or at least half of it!)

These Joe on the barby shots are becoming like Mel's in the kitchen ones - I think I've got a few of them now!

I seem to always have one of Stan sitting around doing nothing as well haha

Mel's signature kitchen shot

We looked over while we were still at the table eating & saw this kid super chuffed to have found himself a box of scorchies that he could just munch away on....until he got caught that is! If he had've been smarter he would've taken them around the corner & then he could've gotten through the whole box unnoticed :) 

Mac loves to be around & help out Seffy - not sure how much Seffy likes it though lol

My plate - hard to fit as much as you want in after you've had a big breakfast :(

Mel's plate - her standard colours haha....nah, this was just before she put her salad on

Helping Seffy out - again, I'm not sure if Seffy's appreciating the help or just wanting Mac to beat it!

Looks like that left eye was lazy all day B-Rocka

The serious child :)

Making the lolly necklaces the girls got from Aunty Nat & Uncle Kris

The desserts lol....the mini pavs & Brandy Snaps are looking a little bit sad cause Aunty Nat brought the spray whipped cream which didn't wanna stay put on the desserts. Oh well, at least we know for next time!

My first Banoffie - which worked pretty well thank goodness!

Trying to get a group cuzzie shot on the tramp....

Oh & at the end of the day it started spitting for about 10 minutes or so, these smart cookies decided to pile everything out on the driveway, up on the doorstep! Really cool thinking guys! Super convenient for when we were ready to leave.

Hard to believe that's another Christmas done & dusted till next year. There was lots of pressies, tonnes of laughter & as usual I ate WAY more than I could handle. I love being with our awesome families & especially sharing the excitement of Christmas with all of the kids :) Already can't wait for next Christmas when we get to do it all again!!