Thursday 18 July 2013

KiwiYo with my Beehives :)

Last Tuesday night I took my Beehives down to KiwiYo for our first class activity. The girls were all super excited about our outing & I'd told them on Sunday that they could have $5 each from the budget, but if they thought they'd want to spend more, then to bring some extra cash :)

They took what seemed like forever choosing their yoghurts & toppings & when they were finally finished we put all 10 yoghurts on the scales to pay. The total came to $64 so I opened my wallet to pull out my eftpos card & much to my dismay, it wasn't there!!! :( :(

I remembered that Spence had been playing with my wallet while I'd been making dinner the night before & had misplaced my eftpos card but as I didn't have time to look for it, I'd just told myself that I HAD to come back & look for it after dinner before I got stuck without it somewhere!! 

Anyways at that moment I felt totally sick & started to panic, so I looked for any notes & coins to see if I could pay for it in cash, but there was only $25 in my wallet, so nowhere near enough!!! At this stage I had to ask the girls to pull out all the extra money they'd brought & put it on the counter & by the time we'd counted it all up I realised the total price was now $49.50.....

I wasn't sure what had happened but it was a total blessing because with all our cash combined we paid our $50 & were still able to get a bit of change :) :) :) 

As we were sitting eating our yoghurts Milika told me that while I was trying to russle up the money, one of the shop assistants had said to the other to give us a discount - which is how the price had gone from $64 down to $49.50.....& sure enough when I looked at my receipt later on, it confirmed the generous 20% discount we'd been given :) :) 

Oh & the crazy thing was that my card was actually right there in my wallet all along!!! Just after we'd paid for the yoghurts I went through my wallet looking for it again & it turns out Spence had just moved it into another spot. Arggghhh!!!

Such a cool experience though as it reminded me how much Heavenly Father loves those special Beehives & how he even knows & cares about our little ol' frozen yoghurt night :)

1 comment:

  1. Brought tears to my eyes cause it's cool that it worked out for you, and your girls are so beautiful!
