Saturday 30 May 2015

Miss Ella Bella turns 5!!!!

On Wednesday our gorgeous little Miss E turned 5 so today was party day!! Woohoo!! And what better way to celebrate this larger than life little diva than a rainbow makeup party :) :)

Isn't she just the cutest!!!

So many adorable photos of this beautiful baby girl x

These two get to be 5 year olds together now for the next few months :)

You always know it's gonna be a yummy spread when Aunty Mell's in charge!

Donut cake for dessert!

Don't know exactly what these guys were up to but it looks like some kind of mischief!

I told Pod she'd have a double chin in this pic, but she didn't mind lol. 
You're beautiful no matter what aye precious girl x

You just wait - these two are gonna have their very own youtube makeup tutorial channel in the next 
10-15 years ;) Heck they're already as good as the pros!

From the food room it was onto the makeover room....

Two pretty princesses - totally in their element!

And of course Spence had to bring his bestie of the moment Grandie! 
Not sure you'll be able to pry your Gorilla off him when you get back next month...

Was so cool seeing tom boy Pod getting in on all the girly action...

She's totally gonna have the boys trying to beat the doors down in another 10 years time ;) 
Lucky she's got a big strong daddy to send them all packing lol

This guy only came in cause he'd promised Ella he'd come & get his nails done...

Along with his buddy Riyan :)...

But they secretly seemed to be having heaps of fun ;)

Obviously need to watch a few hundred more makeup tutorials though
cause they were totally clueless as to where everything goes lol

This is what Uncle Jo was up to in the cultural hall with the boys while the girls were busy dolling themselves up

There was only one person Jo was interested in catching in Bulrush lol

Love this beautiful face x

The coolest present from Aunty Sarah & Uncle Anaru - her very own makeup table!

With all her stash!

Pod in her true form as a gentle ninja warrior princess ;)

Am dying that this shot was out of focus cause it'd be just perfect otherwise! Definitely have to buy my new lens this week!

 Love my precious Ella Bella xoxo

 Was telling Mell today how much I love how each of the kids totally have their own personalities...& how even though they're all so different, they're all so special in their own very unique ways....& well little Miss Ella Bella has personality PLUS, so Summerland better baton down it's hatches cause she's about to rock their socks off! Love everything about you precious girl <3 
Happy School days x

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I am so happy I came home to this tonight. I have thought about the party sooooo many times today but didn't think I'd get photos for days. LOVE THEM ALL!! Good job Aunty Nae :)
