Monday 6 April 2015

Baby Mac turns 7!!!

Last Thursday the 2nd of April our biggest baby turned 7!!! We've had a lot going on the last couple of months so I wanted to make sure that I let him know just how extra special he is to our family, so during the night I put up a little birthday sign & filled his room with a few balloons, so that he woke up to this...

It was also hat day at school that day so he headed off to school with a hat decorated to show off the awesome family he "belongs" to & a bula shirt & lei to cover his fijian culture. He was also wearing his black n white basketball outfit to show off his proud NZ side (the whole theme of the day was "belonging" so everything had to reflect the different groups/cultures that they belonged to). He was obviously too bummed to wear his fijian shirt & lei though cause he didn't end up wearing it for the parade!

Kindy was also part of the hat day parade, so Spence was super excited to wear Mac's old easter bunny hat from his 
kindy days :)

Mac's wrapped present lunch made up of things that he loves (but that I don't usually let him eat!)

Then after school we'd just planned to go to Mac's swimming lesson & out to Macca's for dinnner with Grandie, but when I went to pick up Mac from school the Heke tribe had already beaten me to it :) What an awesome surprise that was!! I saw a pretty little girl that looked exactly like Pod walking towards me & immediately thought "wow that is uncanny how much that girl looks exactly like Faithy babe!!! I'll have to tell Mel!!"...And then as I turned to my left & saw Mel holding Dallin while looking at me staring at the Pod lookalike, I realised that the girl looked exactly like Faith, cause it WAS Faith!!!  

And as if it wasn't special enough for them to just come over for a visit, Aunty Mel also brought a yummy afternoon tea with her! Cupcakes, chippies & Whittakers chocolate milk. She definitely knows her nephew well :)

Then to top off a bad food day that couldn't really get any worse, it was off to Macca's for his big Mac combo :D

So I'm pretty sure he enjoyed his big day & felt just how extra special he is to our family x

Here are 7 things I love about you my precious boy....
1. I love seeing the sweet way you have with babies 
(especially your little cuzzy Dallin. You're always so loving towards her)
2. You are so handsome & have the most beautiful smile
3. You love to laugh & have fun
4. You're an awesome little swimmer & runner & you love to be the best at anything you do
5. You seem all tough, but you love to have kisses & cuddles
6. You are still the best sleeper :) Out like a light!!
7. You aren't afraid to try new things (I like & dislike this one all at the same time cause some of those waterslide & rollercoaster youtube clips you love watching make me feel sick to my stomach & I'm so grateful you're still not tall enough to go on a lot of those rides!!)

We love you so, so much my precious boy. I remember the day you were born like it was just yesterday & look at you now!! xoxo


  1. oh my goodness. Made me a little teary to see how much he's grown up.....happy but sad to see them get bigger right before our eyes. I wonder how many more birthdays I'll be able to hold him in my arms like a little bubba!

  2. Wow what an awesome birthday. I can just imagine getting that lunch at school, amazing! Still can't believe he's that old!
