Sunday 6 July 2014

Catch ups with the Ramekas xoxo

These two brothers from different mothers were born 6 days apart & were buddies for 3 1/2 years before Ace & his family decided to head over to the land of endless sunshine in Perth, Australia. You never would've known they'd been separated for more than 2 years when they were finally reunited a few weeks ago though, cause these two didn't miss a beat!
Brothers for life :)

Think part of their connection could be the fact that they're basically just the same personality in two separate bodies computer's having technical difficulties uploading the video I got of them wrestling right now, but otherwise you'd be able to see just how similar they really are!

Then there was these two who'd never really met each other properly seeing as Spence was only a couple of months old when they left....but they hit it off like a house on fire too!
Spence & his new buddy "Scarlick" lol

Having a blast emptying cups of water into the toilet!

Sad that we couldn't provide a match for this little cutie, but he was the happiest baby I think I've ever seen!! Didn't make a sound & always had the biggest smiles :)

These guys chillin' in Mac's wardrobe

Then after dinner on Sunday night, we got spoilt to be able to catch up with them again at Chipmunks, the very next day

Was so good to catch up with their beautiful family! Love that no matter how much time passes between true friends, you can always pick things up like you only just saw each other yesterday :) And so awesome that our kids love each other too! Hopefully it's our turn to catch up with them in Perth next!!

1 comment:

  1. So cool!!!! Looking forward to about 13 years away when they both go on their missions cause it could be at the exact same time. Would love to see that pic!
