Sunday 15 March 2015

Back to school 2015

I've been waiting for over a month now to get our laptop back so I could upload a whole lot of pics I've been wanting to blog about for the longest time! We still don't have our laptop back, but I just realised that I'd already done a draft blog post for the back to school party we had way all the way back on Sunday the 1st of Feb so here are the pics :) 

Aunty Mell had done such a cool job of setting up the table so the kids could get back into school mode...

And what good is a celebration (because going back to school after 8 long weeks definitely has to be termed a celebration lol) without a bit of schnapps!! And who better to be divvying it up than Grandie of course ;)

A big cheers to happy school days!!! Woohoo :D

Isn't this just the most adorable little face!!

And just cause we needed a little bit more sugar, Aunty Mell made us some yummy chocolate milk smoothies with cream & icecream & a whole lot of chocolate inside. So good!

These two having a special cuzzy moment xx

Then after our sugar rush, it was onto some photos....This was what Faithy babe looked like going into Year 2 :)

And this is her holding her pic from the year before

This girl loves the camera how she really got into all her poses!

Gotta love the intensity & the nostrils in this one lol

And last but not least, this was my super duper handsome boys on the first day back. Spence was convinced that the first day back meant that he got to start school that day as well, so after lots of tears that morning Mac got him dressed in one of his old uniforms, just so we could get out the door. The whole drive there Spence was talking about how he was gonna sit by Mac & have lunch with him...& then of course we had to say goodbye. It was such a mission trying to get him back out of the uniform once we got to kindy, but we finally made it in the end. Only another 18 months to go my baby boy. Your day will come soon enough! 

And only another 3 weeks of term to go now. This year is definitely flying!