Sunday 27 March 2016

Spency's big op :)

Here's another blog post that I just found sitting in draft format still from last year!!... 

Back on the 28th of September 2015 (the 1st day of school holidays & Uncle Matthew's birthday), this little monkey had to be at Southern Cross Hospital at 7am to get his adenoids & tonsils out :) His snoring had been getting progressively louder & louder so when it got to the point that it sounded like we had a 50 year old, overweight male in the house, I knew it was way past time to do something about it!! Not only that, but he had also developed apnea so would stop breathing on & off throughout the night & that was keeping me up with worry every time he would come into my bed wondering if he was going to take his next breath or not!! Here's a couple of vids that show the little foghorn....

If I remember rightly he was 1st on the list for the day & was happy as larry before the op....

Pretty excited about wearing this cool little gown & being given a cute little Kiwi to keep....

....However after the op was a different story!!! He was so sore & miserable & we had to wait around in recovery for a good few hours so it was pretty long & drawn out trying to keep him from crying 24/7 with a whole room of other patients next to us just chilling out on the lazy boys in the recovery area! It was such a relief when they finally gave me the go ahead to take him home!

Then this is how he spent the next few days resting in between totally milking the all you can eat iceblocks & just whatever food he fancied. I was always under the impression that you couldn't go back to eating normal food for at least a week after a tonsils op, but he was into chips & everything again right from day one haha....lucky the doctor warned me that he would smell & little burnt for the next few days from them cauterizing his adenoids cause that would've worried me a bit if I hadn't have known where the awful smell was coming from lol

The awesome news is that he no longer sounds like a freight train anymore & we can get all get a good night's sleep!! If only we'd done the op a few years back!!