Sunday 24 February 2019

Family trip to Tauranga - March 2018

O.K so it's officially almost the end of February 2019 which means I missed a whole year of writing anything on the blog but I didn't stop taking photos throughout that whole time which means I've got a WHOLE LOT of catching up to do!!! I actually uploaded these pics back in April last year & they've just been sitting as a draft since then so talk about slack!! 

Anyways here we go! Better late than never!!.....Back in March last year Stan took the boys down to climb Mt Maunganui. They were pretty excited to go away for a boys adventure without me lol. They stayed the night at Aunty Natty's & then the Hekes, Grandie & I met them down there the next day.

The view from the top

Then off to a buffet chinese lunch at Kwang Chow - don't think Grandie could go to the Mount without stopping here!

Quick stop back at Aunty Natty's pad..

Before a pretty cold & windy trip to the beach

Seffy getting told off for going out to far haha

Off to the Ormsby cemetery

Always a fun day with the fam! xxx