Sunday 17 March 2013

Spence starts nursery!!!

So today something happened that we have been waiting a whole 18 months for.....Spence started nursery!!!! Hooray!!!! 

I guess it sounds a bit hard out that we've been waiting his whole life for him to start? O.K, that maybe a LITTLE over the top..... but it's been a good year at least! Spence has never been great at sleeping anywhere other than his bed which means I've done ALOT of hanging in the corridors with this little monkey, so to officially be allowed in the nursery room is soooo exciting :)

We didn't get a chance to ease him into at all cause he's been away sick the last couple of weeks so it was anyone's guess how he'd go today, but this is how it went......

I took him in, he pulled up a chair beside his buddy Saoirse....

And he ate.....

 And ate.....
 And ate....(while I snuck out)
 And apparently he didn't even notice or care that I was gone!! :) So for the 1st time in 18 months, I got Sunday school & the last hour without him! :)

And the best part is that he has gorgeous Monaleen & her Mum as his teachers, so I know he's in such loving hands! Thank you for going to nursery without a fuss Spency! You are the best xxx

Oh p.s....& the bonus is that it's now 4:30pm & he's been asleep since 2pm!! If this keeps up Sunday's have just gotten a WHOLE lot more restful :)

Saturday 16 March 2013

Temple trip with my BFF's

Yesterday I got to spend the whole day with 2 of my BFF's & it was AWESOME!!! Mell was meant to have a temple trip with some of the sisters from her ward & B was originally coming down with me, Stan & the boys, but when Stan knew B was coming he thought he'd be the kind, loving husband he is & offer to keep the boys at home so B & I could have a girls trip :) :) ......& we were planning to just meet up with Mell down there, but the sister in her ward that she was meant to be going with texted at 3:30am that morning to say that she was sick, so yay!!!! Mell got to come down & back with us too :) :) ....Not yay that the sister in her ward was sick though! :( 

Me & my BFF's after the session :)

 Chillin' with Mama

Having fun with the timer....first time I've ever used it on the camera, but I'll definitely be using it again!

Mell & B's "Miranda" shot & me just being awkward! 

Such a cool day :) Can't wait to do it again sometime soon! x

Friday 15 March 2013

2013 Trikeathon

Here are the pics from this year's trikeathon (hardly any mind you as I didn't really get many this time round!)....we decided to keep things nice & easy this year so picked fluro as our theme :)

 Bonus that we got to reuse his wig from Halloween last year :)

He had to go back to his training wheels as we got him a 16" & he can't quite reach the ground yet lol - hopefully soon :)

Hanging in it till the end :)

Wednesday 6 March 2013

YW's lately....

I'm totally loving my calling in YWs! We had a little reshuffle when we lost Sister D to Stake Primary a few weeks ago.... so I'm now the 2nd counsellor instead of an advisor, but that keeps me with my Beehives so I'm super happy about that!!

Here are some pics from the last month or so....

The girls with their handouts after Milika's AWESOME lesson on Adversity
Milika moulded each of our names out of these pieces of metal & attached a handout that said "Don't run away from is the hottest fires that forge the hardest steel." So cool!!
What's even cooler is that this handout idea of Milika's was an original! She didn't get it off Pinterest or anywhere else. Such a talented girl she is!!
Rox's handout for the Miamaids (for the same lesson topic)..."Life is no picnic" - complete with picnic basket & all :) These girls are so onto it!!
Setting up our heart attack for Georgia's birthday :)

We already knew beforehand that she was gonna be out, hence the reason the girls took their time to decorate the door too. So pretty :)

Her cake & pressie 

Our Tuesday night activity on flower arranging :)

My handout for last weeks lesson on the Atonement. I've never been confident in teaching lessons so I'm loving getting to chance to teach the class so often :) I feel like I'm improving a TINY bit each time so hopefully I'm in the calling long enough to get really good at it, because it's a talent I so totally admire! 

Toffee pop bouquet for Keisha's last Sunday in YWs
Keish with all the YW & us leaders :) ....I was YW President for a short time back when she was in Beehives & have been back for a short time just before she was about to leave, & it's so cool to see how she's matured into such a gorgeous young woman who is such an example to all the younger girls x