Wednesday 15 January 2014

Some December things....

I know it's almost the middle of January, but I still have some random December pics I haven't uploaded so here they are all in one go....

One of Stan's yummy creations - Cheese stuffed chicken, wrapped in bacon with a creamy mushroom sauce. His dinner's always taste sooooo much better than mine!! 

Then the next night we got to enjoy the leftovers in these yummy wraps :) Totally love how his dinners usually make enough to give me two nights off cooking as well!!

A rare moment when the boys weren't fighting but CRACKING UP watching Humpty Dumpty fall off the wall (Spence thought his name was Humpy Dumpy so everytime he'd say it Stan & I were cracking up too)

The santa sleighs I made for the creche Christmas party. So easy & so cute!

Dunno why they have to give the teddies such angry faces though??!!

Santa's helper at the party. Man I really have to teach this kid how to smile!

The kids all did a little performance & this was Spence trying to breakdance lol

Mac's styly cut from Hairmaster

I put these little lunchbox notes on Mac's lunch for the last few weeks at school. Such a buzzy feeling having a kid that can actually read these notes now!! :D

Spence's genius place to put his banana while he needed his hands free to open the car door lol

Catching up with the Chch Ormsby's down at Wynard Quarter one HOT summer's afternoon...

Spence with his creche buddies about to sing Christmas carols at the Leisure centre reception

Another cute bonding moment laughing at something on the Ipad

Santa sleigh goodies for Spence's creche teachers :)

Walking to the food court to have dinner with the cuzzies. 
They all wanted to hold hands :)

Made sooo many of these this Christmas. You just can't beat them for something super quick 'n' easy!

Shylah & Mac playing with the phone

One of my fave dinners that Stan makes. It's so good!

Our Chrissy present from the neighbours - the boys were super chuffed about this cause it had everything they love in it - chips, chocolates & water guns lol

What Mac came out wearing after a million times of me telling him to hurry up & get his shoes on lol

Shy & her new baby brother, Blake (born on the 20/12/13)

The amazing German Chocolate cake, Lyren from our ward made for our Christmas party....& it tasted even better than it looked!! It was so good!

Would give anything for a piece of this right now!! 


  1. I would LOVE to have some of that cake. Yum yum i love german choc cake. Do you think you could get the recipe?? Still love that photo of spence with the narnie. You and Mac come soon!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;) xx

  2. Oh and I musn't forget...GREAT looking dinners Stanie. I'll have to show Pete
