Sunday 25 May 2014

Ella's 4th birthday party.....& a farewell dinner for B & Petey Pete

Yesterday we had the birthday party for this gorgeous little monkey who finally turns 4 on Tuesday!!! 
Only 1 more year now before she gets to go to school :) Yay!!

We went to Crystal Mountain in the morning & then home to the Heke's for our yummy party lunch. Here are the pics....

Love this cheeky face x

Cuzzie bonding time...lame!

Spence had a turn of wearing Seffy's special necklace from Aunty Bex 
last week & then asked if he could have another turn yesterday 
as soon as we got back to the house haha...good memory!

The kiddies special Frozen cupcakes....Adults got Aunty Mell's yummy Reeses icecreams :) They're the best!!

Ella with the special card Spency & Desiree (from creche) made her :) 

Me trying to apply the makeup on Ella from the pressie that we got her....I say TRYING cause it was of the crappest quality & didn't really work :( So not cool Farmers!

Standard Stoner pic xoxo

The birthday girl :)

The triplets ;)

Ella with her cool new unicorn from Aunty Natty :)

This pic'll be for real in another 7 months!!!

Perfect timing for Aunty Cassie to be in town too!!

And Uncle Carl as well :D (Carl wasn't too sure what to do with Dallin lol)


Getting into some dancing for "Happy"....

And then into singing for "Let it go".....

We had such a cool time at your party Ella Bella & hope you have another cool day on Tuesday too. Love you lots gorgeous girl x

On another note, today was B & Pete's last day in NZ so we had one last supper for them before they had to leave for the airport :( Here are a few of the pics....words just can't describe how much I love my precious family xoxo

Mac having his first hold with baby Dallin <3 (Mac always looks so innocent when he does this face lol...but don't be fooled!)

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Random pic update

Here are some random pics off the camera that I haven't had a chance to post yet....still can't download the pics off my iphone which is a shame, but oh well, better these than nothing....

Mac with the poster we made for homelink the day after we got back from our awesome Oz holiday :) 

Mac & Spence digging/hunting for fossils....well actually Mac digging/hunting & Spence just following him around like a bad smell. This little guy follows Mac everywhere!

The day I sent Mac into the room to make his bed & it went all quiet...he took like half an hour to do it & got out heaps of extra blanktets/sheets from the cupboard, but it looked great & he was so chuffed with it :)

Firemac wearing his fireman's uniform for community hat day at school :)

His easter pressie for his teacher

Spence's easter gift for the Creche teachers 

The Primary easter activity at church on Good Friday

The kids were meant to do a drawing of something they were grateful for :) ....Both the boys just cried & didn't wanna do it :(

Lyren's amazing easter cupcake tower

Spence collecting bunnies that were hidden everywhere....which they then traded in for an easter egg cupcake

The easter egg lolly scramble at the end of the activity. They told the kids to go back a bit so Spence ran way down by the fence at the back & missed out on all the eggs lol...luckily lots of other kids shared with him once he finally came back :)

Birthday pressie for Mac's teacher :)