Monday 5 May 2014

Dallin's baby blessing

Well first I'd better state for the record that I became Aunty to yet another beautiful niece on Friday the 4th of April 2014. Her name is Dallin Ligaya Heke & she is absolutely delicious <3 <3 <3 ....She was exactly a month old for her baby blessing yesterday & although she is alot more alert than she was a few weeks ago, she is still so TINY! She looks like a precious little doll & that's exactly what she is to her big sister Ella. Look at the expression on that face below - is that one proud big sister or what!!! :D :D :D

We had such a nice afternoon at Mell & Jo's ward yesterday for Dallin's baby blessing & then it was back to the Heke residence for our usual yummy feed :)

Can you spot the difference to Mell's usual kitchen pic B? (You're gonna actually have to comment this time round haha)

Jojo on the barby

These two cuzzies are makeup & clothes OBSESSED! Talk about two peas in a pod!

The oldest & youngest of the Heke grandkids :) (17 & 1 month)

Missy Moo <3 
(She had a bra on at one stage too B-Rocka, 
but she was too shy to get pics taken in it haha)

Aunty Tarn & Dallin

Dallin sleeping with one eye open on the beanbag 
in the lounge - didn't wanna miss out on any of the action at her party ;)

Dallin & her pretty Mumma x

Mell reminds me so much of Mum here xxx

Grandie & his 11th grandchild :)

 Dallin looks a little bit scared or disgusted of my face here lol

The whole fam bam that was there

Uncle Jojo & his bestie Wiremu

What an awesome Sabbath & such a special occasion to celebrate & also double as a deck warming for all Jojo's hard work putting up the roof for the deck last week. It looks absolutely amazing & we can't wait to party again when Aunty B, Uncle Pete & Uncle Carl come in a couple of weeks!! :D

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